numéro 1 du soutien scolaire en ligne
numéro 1 du soutien scolaire en ligne

Quiz anglais lycée - Prépositions Temps Vocabulaire Nombres

Ta e-prof de soutien scolaire en ligne te propose ce quiz d'anglais niveau lycée. Improve your english with Prof Express!

A. Find the correct preposition: (trouve la préposition correcte).

quiz anglais niveau lycée 

1. Isabel  studied .............. Cambridge University.
a. at
b. for
c. from

2. I am not familiar ..............  Scotland.
a. with
b. on
c. to

3. The pencil case is ........... the chair.
a. in

b. over 

c. on  

4. We want to go .....the restaurant tonight.
a. in
b. to
c. behind

5. Their son , Bob is named ......... Bob Marley.
a. to
b. after
c. about


B. Choose the correct tense: (choisis le temps correct).


1. Listen! ...................................

a. The phone rings.  

b. The phone has been ringing.
c. The phone was ringing.
d. The phone is ringing. 


2. He London two weeks ago.
a. has travelled
b. travelled
c. will travelled

d. travels 


3. She America since 2011. 

a. has been
b. is
c. had been
d. must be 


4. When your train................, call me on my mobile.
a. will arrive
b. is arriving
c. arrived
d. arrives



5. I wish I could help you but I ...................their address.
a. I didn’t know
b. I don’t know
c. I haven’t known
d. I could not know


C. Choose the correct word: (choisis le mot correct).

1. My sister always has ice cream for ..........................
a. desert
b. dessert

2. Are all your friends ....................... ?
a. here
b. hear

3. .................... do you come from?
a. were
b. where

4.................... colour do you prefer?
a. witch
b. which

5. Be careful not to ................. your house keys!
a. loose
b. lose

D. Find the correct number: ( trouve the nombre correct).

1. 100= ..................
a. one thousand
b. one hundred
c. ten

2. 1467=  ................
a. one hundred and forty seven
b. one thousand four hundred and sixty seven
c. one thousand four hundred ad seventy seven

3. 197= ...........................
a. one hundred and ninety seven
b. one hundred and eighty seven
c. one hundred and seventy nine


4. 50= .................................
a. fifty
b. fifteen
c. five hundred


5. 2001= ......................................
a. two thousand one
b. two thousand ten
c. two thousand and one 

Corrigé de ce quiz d'anglais niveau lycée

Now check your answers:

1a- 2a-3c-4b-5b






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